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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Creativity vs. Consumerism

Why is it that some random days the urge to buy something comes easy?

Maybe its because I don't outlet enough creativity, just like Rolheiser talks about how creativity can be an answer to violence in his latest post - it could probably also answer the urge to buy something.


"Creativity can be as simple (and as wonderful) as gardening, growing flowers, sewing, raising children, baking bread, collecting stamps, keeping a journal, writing secret poems, being a teacher, being cub-scout leader, coaching a team, collecting baseball cards, doing secret dances in the privacy of your own room, fixing old cars, or building a deck off the porch. It doesn't have to be recognized and you don't need to get published. You only have to love doing it." - Rolheiser

SO I guess we just have to dance on!

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